In a previous post, I mentioned that I was using Vue to build a personal website. I have since used Vue to build another site. Over the next few posts, I will be sharing some of the idiosyncrasies that I have found while using Vue. In this post, I will be discussing case sensitivity in Vue.

In most Javascript frameworks, the components are named using PascalCase while the component properties are named using camelCase. Vue is no different.

I have been using the Single File Component (SFC) format for my Vue components. With SFC, the filename of the component is the name of the component in PascalCase. For example, if I have a component named MyComponent, the filename would be MyComponent.vue. The component properties are named using camelCase. For example, the following shows a set of props for a component:

const props = defineProps<{
  pageCount: number;
  startingPage: number;
  align: "start" | "center" | "end";

In React, when you use a component, you use the PascalCase name of the component and the camelCase name of the properties. For example, if I have a component named MyComponent with a property named myProperty, I would use the component like this:

<MyComponent myProperty="my value" />

In Vue, you can use either the PascalCase name or the kebab-case name of the component, but you must use kebab-case for the properties. For example, the following are all valid ways to use the MyComponent component:

<MyComponent my-property="my value" />
<my-component my-property="my value" />

If you use Vue and a component is not rendering as expected, check the casing of the property names.